JAPAN KARATE-DO DHAMMIKA-HA SHITO-RYU KAI 日本空手道ダミカ派糸東流会 Technical advisors Soke Akira Sato 9. Dan in Kanada & Japan He holds the 9th Dan in Japan & CandaFounder of Sato-Ha Shito-Ryu Kokusai Rengo (International Federation) and Shitoryu Satokai CanadaChair and Chief Instructor von Sato-Ha Shito-Ryu Kokusai Rengo (International Federation)Board of Technical Committee in Canadian Karate Federation Hanshi Tokio Funasako 9th Dan in Japan & Germany He holds the 9th Dan in Japan & GermanyCo-founder of the Goju-Ryu in GermanyFounder of International Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei – IGKR and the Japanese-German cultural association Yamato-Kai e.V. Shihan Atsuko Wakai 6th Dan in Japan She holds the 6th Dan of Japan Karate Federation (JKF)Undefeated WKF World Champion in the discipline KataListed in the Guiness Book of Records as undefeated champion