Successful Kyu exams in Beilstein and Ditzingen
On Saturday, 24th February, the first Kyu test of the year took place in the Karl-Koch-Halle in Ditzingen-Hirschlanden. The exam was held under the direction of Uli Hasenknox, head of the karate department, and Shihan Athula Minithanthri, founder of Dhammika Karate-Do. A total of 16 karatekas took part in the exam and demonstrated their skills on their way to the next Kyu level. All were highly motivated and well prepared. They all passed the exam successfully.
The karatekas from the other dojos also had the opportunity to face the test the following day. Under the strict eyes of their teachers Sensei Oxana Traiber, Sensei Melike Çakrak, Sensei Emilia, Sensei Jürgen Schwetz, Sensei Dominik de Frenne and the two examiners Sensei Jutta Fojkar and Shihan Athula no less than 92 (!) karateka faced the hard demands of a kyu test. We are happy to say that all participants were well prepared and highly motivated! They all passed the exam successfully.
We would like to congratulate them all on passing their exams!